RQ-DSL-16C is an electronic tablet capsule counting machine which has been prepared by our company for 2 years. The production of DSL-16C is max 4200 bottles per hour, and the production of 8D is 25 to 70 bottles per hour if calculated in bottles. The 16C capsule counting machine is excellent productin the range of the counting machine with 16 counting channels.
At present, the global demand for fast gummy candy is very strong for the gummies bottling industry and food packaging industry. The rq-dsl-16R high-speed gummy counting machine developed and produced by our company is a set of high-end upgraded candy counting equipment of rich packing.
The counting tools of dsl-16R counting machine include gummy, candy, tablets, capsules, edible candy and chewing gum, small hardware products and so on.
Fully Automatic Gummy Bear Counting Machine can be used in a wide range of markets, the food industry can complete the comprehensive adaptation. For the types of gummy (including pectin, sugar, powder, sanded, oiled gummies), size range 3-130 mm and other solid materials are conventional (such as candy, nuts and other materials).
Electric counting machine high working speed can save a lot of time and labor. Capsule counting machine high working speed can rapidly improve the efficiency by combining with the front and back processing line work together. This type of equipment high working speed is extremely excellent in bottle replacement of various sizes, due to these high working speed machine’s convenient adjustment and straightforward operation.
The tablet capsule counting machine industry like other industries in the society, is constantly on the way of innovation and the development. The 8D type capsule counting machine build in this article is a staged innovative professional device of our RICH PACKING. In addition, there are two other counting machines which we named the automatic counting machine with the title identification RQ 16h and RQ 16r.
In Stock | 7 Days Delivery | Counting Accuracy>99.98%. Capacity Upper to 200 Bottles/Min.7*24 Hour Continuous Operation | Automatic Counter Counting Bottling Machine Source Factory. Local On Site Service | Factory Area 7996㎡,28 R&D Engineers,365*24 Hour Services For Automatic Counting Machine | Factory Direct! Producing Tablet Capsule Candy Gummy Counter Counting Machine Since 1993
DSL-16B In Stock | 7 Days Delivery | Counting Accuracy>99.98%. Capacity Upper to 200 Bottles/Min.7*24 Hour Continuous Operation | Factory Direct! Producing Tablet Capsule Candy Gummy Counter Counting Machine Since 1993 | Automatic Counter Counting Bottling Machine Source Factory. Local On Site Service | Factory Area 7996㎡,28 R&D Engineers,365*24 Hour Services For Automatic Counting Machine
In Stock | 7 Days Delivery | Factory Area 7996㎡,28 R&D Engineers,365*24 Hour Services For Automatic Counting Machine | Counting Accuracy>99.98%. Capacity Upper to 200 Bottles/Min.7*24 Hour Continuous Operation | Factory Direct! Producing Tablet Capsule Candy Gummy Counter Counting Machine Since 1993 | Automatic Counter Counting Bottling Machine Source Factory. Local On Site Service
In Stock | 7 Days Delivery | Automatic Counter Counting Bottling Machine Source Factory. Local On Site Service | Counting Accuracy>99.98%. Capacity Upper to 200 Bottles/Min.7*24 Hour Continuous Operation | Factory Direct! Producing Tablet Capsule Candy Gummy Counter Counting Machine Since 1993 | Factory Area 7996㎡,28 R&D Engineers,365*24 Hour Services For Automatic Counting Machine